Interior Design

Home Staging 

[ Home Staging Montreal ]

[ Home Staging Montreal ]

Countryside Joint House

[ Nadine Thomson Interior Design ]


NDG 5 1/2

[ Nadine Thomson Interior Design ]

Open Kitchen Design

[ Nadine Thomson Interior Design ]

[ Academic Projects ]

Adobe Exhibition Stand

[ Centre de formation professionnelle Nova ]


This work focused on creating an exhibition booth within a 20' x 10' space, which transformed the design into a space for marketing.

Taking Adobe's creative applications and services into consideration, the non-traditional shape booth can emerge their creativity and draw attention. 


Law Firm Office

[ Centre de formation professionnelle Nova ]


Concept Board


2 Luminaire Selection.pdf

Luminaire Selection

[ Centre de formation professionnelle Nova ]

Concept Board

8 Finale - Copy (1).pdf

 Residential Decorating Project

[ Centre de formation professionnelle Nova ]

Concept Board